**OJ Sports - PARENT NOTICE - MoL Registration Forms and Rules**
Hi all,
Below you will find the registration form for OJ Sports 2019/20, you MUST complete this to guarantee membership.
There are some changes that will come into effect as of this term. PLEASE make sure you take note.
🔴 50% Discount off all holiday camps
£40 for 30 hours, bargain
🔴 50% discount on birthday party bookings
🔴 FREE OJ Sports T-Shirt
🔴 50% Discount on Christmas Shopping Camps
🔴 If your child misses a class they can attend the three hour Drop n Shop on the following Saturday for free.
🔴 WEEKLY 50% DISCOUNT - OJ and DW members get to book in for our new Retail Park Saturday 3 hour Drop N Shop for £7.50, non members pay £15
1) Due to the vast increase in let fees over the past few years and the number of parents that have to be chased up for payments I've had to switch to a pay monthly DD payment scheme. There is also a sibling discount to help parents out.
This serves two purposes, one is that it makes it easier for parents to start a dd or standing order instead of worrying about different and large payments every term. And two, it makes it easier for me to keep on top of letting fees with a guaranteed amount coming in on a regular basis in stead of random amounts here and there.
2) When you register your child, they are then signed up as a permanent member until I'm notified otherwise.
3) After we start on the 23rd of August we will run EVERY Friday that school is on unless otherwise notified due to school event clashes.
4) If your child wishes to leave the class to try other activities we will require a month's notice and you must pay for the whole month of the session that they last attended.
5) If your child attends the P1-2 class straight after school and can't make it for any reason, you MUST text OJ on 07841 636360 to inform of non attendance for safety reasons.
6 ) We will be recording and taking photos of all sessions where possible for performance analysis and promotional materials so that we can do semi-regular highlight videos or photos to show parents how hard their children work at OJ Sports.
7) If you would like to be added to the OJ Sports Members Zone on Facebook, please give me a PM, you can only be a member if your child attends OJ Sports currently.
Thanks for your continued support, my coaching team and I look forward to seeing everyone at class on the 23rd of August.
OJ :-)